Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 102

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 8
issue Number : 102

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 8، ، issue Number 102

Proposing a method to determine the value of contemporary literary works

Vajiheh Oliazadeh , Reza Bayat (Author in Charge)


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There is a constant assumption that in literary texts, words are used in a meaning beyond their dictionary meaning, and for this reason, literary studies mainly deal with secondary meanings; As even in linguistics, which is based on language and not literature, the terms implicit meaning, semantic resonance, pragmatic meaning, semantic load, etc. have been created and popularized.

METHODOLOGY: In this research, this assumption is not negated; Rather, it is only reminded that even in the most complex symbolic texts, the explicit and dictionary meaning of the words, even outside the context of the sentence, can reflect the mood of the poet and the writer. In this research, by borrowing the term value system from Gilbert Doran"s imagination, we have divided the value load of the words of a text into three parts, positive, neutral and negative, and we have advanced the work with two stages of testing; First, we have compared pieces of poetry and prose of 6 contemporary writers, and then we have compared three complete poems of Akhwan and Shamlou by drawing a diagram of the value trend of the text.

FINDINGS: In this research, two terms "emotional value of the word" and "emotional process of the text" are defined. These concepts help to estimate the emotional motivation power of a text simply by examining the words independently of the text, even with the help of a computer. The method of calculating the emotional value and the emotional process is adjusted with several stages of trial and error in such a way that the results match the understanding of the audience of the poem recorded in the articles and books. In this way, the proposed method has been verified.

CONCLUSION: Words that show life and movement in any way have a positive emotional charge, and words that show stillness and stagnation are negative. Neutral words either do not have a special requirement (such as most letters: and, or, ...) or they are two-faceted and sometimes positive and sometimes negative (like blood, which is sometimes a sign of murder and sometimes a reminder of life).

linguistics , dictionary meaning , affective meaning of the word , affective trend of the text , Computational stylistics

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